Coffee and Monsters
"That boy is a monster. He's no good for you."
Tabatha's mother had her hands on her hips in the doorway of the kitchen. Her lips were pursed. The gray-haired lady was determined.
"You don't know him." Tabatha rolled her eyes, feeling very much like a teenager despite her twenty-five years. Her mother had that effect on her.
"I know what he did. And if God judges a man on his actions, I sure don't see a problem with doing the same."
"He was seventeen." Tabatha reached a hand into the cookie jar on the counter and began munching, fully intending to ignore every word her mother said. "It was graffiti--not murder."
"Who's to say it wasn't? You know who uses graffiti? Gangs. Gangs use graffiti. And gangs do all sorts of horrible things."
"He's not in a gang, Mom. He's an accountant."
"Well, just don't say I didn't warn you. I got involved with a boy like that, you know. When I was sixteen. I'd never had liquor before in my life. You'll be painting the town hall or defiling the school walls in no time."
"If I were sixteen, I probably would. But I'm twenty-five."
"People like that never change."
"Bye, Mom." Tabatha gave her mother a quick kiss on the cheek and stuffed another cookie into her mouth.
The visit was over. It had been a lovely 15 minutes that Tabatha had no desire to repeat more than once a week.
But for once, the blond's overprotective mother had hit the nail on the head. Jermaine was a monster. The best kind. The kind that was eternally beautiful and never died.
Tabatha drove to a coffee shop twenty minutes away. She was meeting Jermaine at 6:00pm. It was their third date. As long as he wore sunglasses, the sunlight didn't affect him. He said he thought it was probably because he was supposed to be underground and his eyes knew it; they could never adjust.
The tall, dark-skinned man sat down beside her in the booth and slipped off his shades. The lighting was dim. He kissed her deeply on the lips and smiled at her with perfect white teeth.
"What are you having?" he asked.
"A peppermint mocha."
"Good choice."
A waitress approached, and Jermaine ordered for both of them. He took charge. He was beautiful. Tabatha adored him. She wasn't sure how long the feeling would last, if the flame would burn out quickly, but she was enjoying it while she could.
"A peppermint mocha and a black coffee," his deep voice rumbled.
"Coming right up." The waitress smiled and walked away.
"Come here for a minute," Jermaine whispered to Tabatha. "I want to tell you something."
She slid closer. He rested his hand on her thigh. Her body repsonded immediately. Her blood heated in her veins, her skin tingled. Jermaine let out a low growl. She knew he could sense her rise in temperature; he was always aware of her blood. His fingers slipped under her short skirt, resting on her clit through her silk panties.
"Do you think you can come before the waitress gets back?"
"I'm willing to try," she murmured.
His fingers began moving in slow circles, warming her up, making her wet until all she could feel was pleasure and anticipation.
"You're so good to me, but you never let me touch you," she moaned softly, careful not to draw attention to herself.
"Feeling the blood beneath your skin is all the pleasure I need. My blood's stopped. I couldn't do anything if I tried."
"Good point." Tabatha bucked against his hand as he pressed down harder, began to move faster.
She was getting close already. His fingers were like magic. She could barely stand it.
"I can see her. She's almost done pouring my coffee."
Tabatha bit her lip. It felt so good, she was so close. He pinched her clit quickly between his fingers and rubbed her again. That was all it took. Tabatha gripped the edge of table and shook as she came. But she stayed quiet, and the waitress gave them their drinks with that same smile, oblivious to what had happened under her table.
They each took a slow sip of smooth caffeine as Tabatha basked in her afterglow. Then Jermaine put his mug down and turned to her.
"There is one thing you can do for me," he told her in a low voice.
"What's that?"
"Let me kiss your neck." Tabatha withdrew slightly. She'd never let him near her neck. He always said it was too much temptation. "Don't worry. I can control myself."
"Are you sure?"
He nodded. "Feeling how alive you are is the only pleasure I can have."
Tabatha's gaze softened, and she pulled her hair back, giving him access to the pulse point beneath her ear. She trusted him. He kissed her neck tenderly. Tabatha closed her eyes, enjoying the new sensation. His lips were soft against her skin. He smelled amazing.
Then she felt it--the sudden flash of pain, then warmth.
Huh. He'd bitten her. He was draining her. And she could tell he had no intention of stopping any time soon.
She couldn't fight him. She felt paralyzed. All she could do was think, and that was getting harder with each passing moment.
Damn her mother. She'd been right about him after all.
As always, be sure to see what treats (or tricks) the other flashers have in store!
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Lily Sawyer (m/m)
West Thornhill (m/m)
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Julie Hayes (m/m)